Healthcare Fatigue Forum 2023

The inaugural Healthcare Fatigue Forum was held in November 2023. The turnout, presentations and discussions were excellent
This event covered topics including the current state of fatigue risk management in the NHS, experiences and lessons learnt from aviation and rail industries. There were presentations on the current research projects from Ambulance Service, NHS and NIHR.
Attendees came from within the clinical community: doctors, nurses and AHPS; charitable organisations, NHS Trusts, researchers and commercial organisations.


The presentations from the Forum can be downloaded below:

What is the current state of fatigue risk management in healthcare?

Dr Nancy Redfern & Dr Emma Plunkett

What are challenges in FRM healthcare?

Dr Mike Farquhar

What does Fatigue Risk Management in Healthcare look like?

Dr Ceri Sutherland

FRMS in Aviation: It’s a journey

Kathryn Jones

Lessons from Rail: how a Human Factors approach can help

Prof Mark Young

Fatigue in Healthcare: an overview of the CIEHF White Paper 

Dr Laura Pickup

Co-designing fatigue risk management in the NHS Ambulance Service

Prof Kristy Sanderson

Raising awareness: Fighting Fatigue Campaign with the EU Patient Safety Foundation

Mirka Cikkelova


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