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FRMS Forum

Furthering education in the management of human fatigue in safety-critical occupations

The FRMS Forum is a mutually beneficial, not-for-profit membership association.

Co-founded in 2008 by the Directors of FRMSc, it is voluntarily managed by a small expert committee to promote best practise the management of occupational alertness.

Predominantly, but not exclusively focused on the aviation industry, the FRMS Forum attracts members from other industry groups who value managing fatigue risk in their organisation and would like to benefit from best practice. The Forum provides an inexpensive way to learn and collaborate with organisations from all industries with similar challenges. 

Annual membership of the Forum costs £250 for the first 12 months, for any organisation to join, irrespective of size. Renewal fees are set by the members attending the annual general meeting held immediately after each conference. Currently, in the region of £100 per annum, these fees cover all employees in any member organisation; be that an organisation with a single employee or over 100,000 employees.

A library of conference presentations and other related documents is held on the FRMS Forum website that all members are free to download for their own use.

The Forum hosts one conference each year providing a platform for those with knowledge and experience to share it with others thereby improving the uniformity of FRMS implementation and development of the standards, processes and tools. The conference is run as a not-for-profit event with the costs shared amongst attendees, at cost.

For more information on FRMS as related to the aviation industry, look in the members’ library on the FRMS Forum website.

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